Computer Manufacturers Database

Total brands in database (07 February 2025) : 12262
Corresponding brands from query : 361

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ancestral computers
Super Computers (SU) : super and parallel computers
Undefined (?) : help needed, please keep in touch !
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Models : MSX, SPARC, PC comp., Mac clone,
A2 clone, PDP, TRS-80, ZX clone


Info 1
Info 2
R CubedPC comp.USA200300'sPC
R-Style ComputersPC comp., (+13)RUS1991act.90's - 00'sPC
R. Belleville HomebrewUSA-(†)80'sPC
R. ButtsUSA-00'sPC
R. KaltchukProtonUSA-act.20'sPC
R. KelsonSparky eZXUSA-act.00'sPC
R. Mangles TIM 8UK-(†)00'sSC
R. Stahl HMI Systems GmbHGER1876act.90's - 10'sPC
R.-D. Klein NDR Klein Computer 68020GER-80'sPC
R.C.S. Microsystems Ltd.1 modelsUK-80'sPC
R.J. Brachman Associates, Inc. (RJB)3 modelsUSA-80'sPC
R.S.A.I. SASFRA-act.10's - 20'sPC
R.W. Electronics1 modelsUSA-80'sPC
R&B Computer Systems, Inc.1 modelsUSA-80'sPC
R&D Technology PC comp., (+9)UK-90'sPC
R&G Technology Co., Ltd.PC comp.CHN-act.00's - 10'sPC
R&J EnterprisesPC comp., (+2)?-80'sPC
R&KPC comp., (+12)RUS-90'sPC
R&V Information Systems BV HOL1976(†)80'sPC
R+R GmbH1 modelsGER-(†)80's - 00'sPC, TER
Rabbit Computer, Inc.2 modelsHON198380'sPC
Rabbit Semiconductor, Inc. (div. Z-World)USA-act.00'sPC
Rabinow Engineering 5 modelsUSA-60'sSC
Racal Recorders Ltd. WordNET, (+2)UK-2000†90'sPC
Racal-Milgo Information Systems, Inc. 21 modelsUSA196970's - 80'sTER
Racal-Redac Ltd. 2 modelsUK19651994†70's - 80'sPC
Race lic. BBC MicroUK-(†)80'sPC
Racer Computer Corp.PC comp., (+25)USA-act.90's - 00'sPC
Racionalização e Mecanização Ltda. (RACIMEC)1800, Senior, (+2)BRA-(†)80'sPC
Rack Solution, Inc.USA2000act.00's - 10'sPC
Racksaver, Inc.USA-00'sPC
- (div. Evolution Computers)7 modelsUK-00'sPC
RACO Industries, LLC PC comp.USA198800'sPC
Racore Computer Products, Inc.11 modelsUSA1983act.80'sPC
RacTech GmbH & Co. KGSPARC cloneGER1978act.90'sPC
Rad Data CommunicationsUSA-(†)90'sPC
Rade Systems Ltd.Rader, (+3)UK-(†)80'sPC
Radectron Communications1 modelsUSA-70'sTER
RadianPC comp., (+6)?-(†)90'sPC, TER
Radian Corp.Unitech UTUSA-(†)70'sTER
Radiant Computer Technology Corp.RAD-1USA-(†)90'sPC
Radiant Kereskedelmi Szolgáltató Menedszer Kft.PC comp.HUN-90'sPC
Radiation, Inc.1 modelsUSA195060'sSC, TER
Radio BulletinCosmicosHOL194870'sPC
Radio Corporation of America (RCA) BIZMAC, COSMAC, Spectra, (+73)USA19191971†60's - 70'sMF, MC, PC, TER
Radio ElectronicsMark-8, (+3)USA-70'sPC, TER-
Radio Magazin Radio-86RK , (+2)RUS1924act.80'sPC
Radio Shack (div. Tandy) TRS-80, (+29)USA19212015†70's - 00'sPC, TER
Radioactive PCUSA2003act.00'sPC
Radioindustrija Zagreb (RIZ) Riz 24, (+2)YOU19481991†80'sPC-
Radiola (div. Philips) MSX, (+7)FRA-80'sPC
Radiopribor - Kiev (-> VUM) BejsikRUS1951(†)60's - 90'sPC, MF
Radiopribor - VladivostokBejsik, Briz, (+2)RUS-(†)90'sPC
Radiotechnika Magazin1 modelsHUN-(†)80'sPC
Radiozavodom "Signal" - StavropolVestaRUS-(†)90'sPC
Radisys Corp.7 modelsUSA1987act.90's - 10'sPC
RadiusMac clone, (+2)USA-90'sPC
Radix Micro Devices Plc 3 modelsUK19692005†90'sPC
Radley Investments Ltd. PC comp.NZL-90'sPC
Radofin Electronics Ltd.MSX, Aquarius II, (+3)UK19741991†80'sPC
Radstone Technology PLC 10 modelsUSA-80'sPC
Radxa Ltd.Parallella, (+3)CHN2013act.10'sPC
Raffles SystemsPC comp.PAK2000act.00's - 10'sPC
Rain Computers, Inc.PC comp., (+50)USA200100's - 10'sPC
RainbowPC comp., (+3)?-(†)90'sPC
Rair Microcomputer Corp.16 modelsUSA1974(†)70's - 80'sPC, TER
Rakoa Computer Co., Ltd.3 modelsTWN-(†)80'sPC
Ramec-VSPC comp., (+2)RUS1992act.90's - 00'sPC
Ramline Mobile PC OyPC comp.FIN-90'sPC
Ramo-Wooldridge Corp.3 modelsUSA19531958†50'sSC
Ramos Digital Technology Co., Ltd. 34 modelsCHN200110'sPC
Ramtek Corp.38 modelsUSA19721981†80'sPC, TER
Rand Corp.JOHNNIACUSA1948act.50'sSC, MF
Randal Data Systems, Inc.15 modelsUSA-(†)70's - 80'sPC, TER
Random Corp.R3, R4, (+10)USA-(†)80'sPC, TER
Random Technology, Inc.PC comp.TWN-(†)90'sPC
Rangee GmbHGER2004act.00's - 20'sPC
Ranger Computer Pte Ltd.PC comp.SIN-(†)90'sPC
Rangine Corp.1 modelsUSA-(†)80'sPC
Rank Peripherals of Canada, Ltd.1 modelsCAN-(†)70'sPC
Rank Xerox (-> Xerox) USA195680'sPC
Ranyan SystemsDVX-68, (+3)USA-80'sPC
Raon Digital PC comp.KOR-00'sPC
Rapid Systems, Inc.USA-(†)90'sPC
Raptor Computing Systems, LLCUSA-act.10'sPC
Raritan ComputerPC comp.USA1985act.00'sPC
Rascal Micro LLCRascalUSA-act.00'sPC
RASK Engros A/S PC comp., (+7)DEN-(†)90'sPC
Raspberry Pi Foundation (div. Premier Farnell) Raspberry Pi, (+7)UK2006act.00's - 10'sPC
Raster Graphics, Inc. 3 modelsUSA19782001†80'sPC
Raster Technologies, Inc. 7 modelsUSA198180'sPC, TER
Ratcomp PC comp., (+2)GER-90'sPC
Rational-GodALL-System, (+5)GER-(†)70'sPC
Rautauukki Oy1 modelsFIN19602014†80'sTER
RAVE Computer (-> Rave Computer Association)USA1988act.00's - 20'sPC
Rave Computer Association, Inc.SPARC clone, (+185)USA198890's - 00'sPC
RavenPC comp.?-(†)90'sPC
Ravensburger AG1 modelsGER1883act.80's - 00'sPC
Raytech International, Inc.PC comp.TWN-80'sPC
Raytheon Anschütz GmbH GER1995act.00's - 10'sPC
Raytheon Data Systems Co.RAYDAC, AGC, (+53)USA1922act.50's - 70'sMC, MF, SC, TER
Rayton Comm UsaPC comp., (+7)USA-(†)90'sPC
Razer, Inc.74 modelsUSA2005act.00's - 20'sPC
Razim Electronique, Inc.CAN1979(†)80'sPC
RC ComputerPC comp.?-80'sPC
RC GmbH RC 750, (+3)GER-(†)80'sPC
RCA Service Business Services and SystemsMulti Fonction MKSUSA-(†)80'sPC
RCO Terminal Systeme GmbHGER1975act.80'sPC
RCP Systems, Inc.1 modelsUSA-(†)80'sPC
RCS Data SystemsADS1USA-70'sMC
RD Labs, Inc.USA-(†)90'sPC
RDA, Inc.PRD11, (+4)USA-(†)70'sMC, TER
RDI Computer Corp. SPARC clone, IPX, (+8)USA-1998†80's - 90'sPC
RDI PCPC comp., (+13)FRA198680's - 90'sPC
RDP Workstations Pvt. Ltd. IND1998act.00's - 10'sPC
RDS TelecomPC comp., (+4)?-90'sPC
Readboy Electronics Co., Ltd. CHN1999act.10'sPC
Real ComputersPC comp.UK-00'sPC
Real MachinesPC comp.USA-00'sPC
Real Time Associated (RTA)Sistema ABM, (+2)ITA-80'sPC
Real Time Devices, Inc. (-> RTD Embedded Technologies)USA-(†)90'sPC
Real World Computer Co.PC comp., (+6)USA-90'sPC
Real World GraphicsUK-(†)80'sPC
Realan Computer Products CHN2002act.00's - 10'sPC
Réalisation et Etudes Electroniques (R2E) Micral, (+19)FRA19711982†70'sPC
Réalisations Etudes Informatiques Industrielles (RE2I)2 modelsFRA-(†)80'sPC
Realistic Controls Corp.REX, (+4)USA-70'sPC
Realpro Innovations, Inc. (by Sharp)USA-act.90'sPC
RealTechMac clone, (+2)USA-(†)90'sPC
RealTime Intelligence Corp.MIMIC, (+2)USA-70's - 80'sMF, PC
Reason Computer, Inc. PC comp., (+15)USA198690'sPC
-, Inc. (-> Hardware Canada Computing) NetWinder, (+3)CAN19992001†00'sPC
Rebus Corp.Orange, (+3)USA-80'sTER
RECPC comp.?-90'sPC
REC Computers A/S (div. Rask Holding) PC comp.NOR-(†)90'sPC
Rechenzentrum Hünxe GmbH (RZH)1 modelsGER-(†)70'sPC
Recognition Concepts, Inc.2 modelsUSA-(†)80's - 90'sPC
Recognition Equipment, Inc. (REI) Tartan, (+4)USA1961(†)70's - 80'sSC, TER, PC
Recompute Corp.PC comp.USA-(†)90'sPC
Recortec, Inc.4 modelsUSA1969act.90'sPC
Rectron Ltd.PC comp.TWN1976(†)80's - 90'sSC, PC
Red Barn Technology Group (RBTG)PC comp.USA199600'sPC
Red Box Studios Ltd.14 modelsUK-90'sPC
Red Fox TechnologiesPHI1998act.00'sPC
Red Submarine Ltd.PC comp.UK1995act.00'sPC
Red4Power GmbHPC comp.GER2011act.10'sPC
Redactron Corp. 8 modelsUSA19691976†70'sPC
Redactron MFB Vertriebs-GmbH4 modelsGER-80'sPC
RedBoxMac clone, (+2)UK-(†)90'sPC
Redcor Corp. RC-77, (+3)USA195660's - 70'sMC
Rediffusion (-> Redifon Computers)UK198180'sPC
Redifon Computers Ltd. REDAC, Ci, (+26)UK194960's - 80'sSC, MC
Redix Technology Co., Ltd.PC comp.HON2000act.00's - 10'sPC
Redland AutomationVCUK-(†)80'sTER
REDMS GroupPC comp.USA-(†)90'sPC
Redpoint Computers BVPC comp.HOL-80'sPC
Redstone Computers4 modelsTWN-(†)80'sPC
Reeshine Technology Co., Ltd. CHN-act.00's - 10'sPC
ReevesPC comp., (+6)?-(†)90'sPC
Reeves Instrument Corp. (RICO)REAC, (+8)USA194640's - 50'sSC
Reeves Plc1 modelsUK-(†)90'sPC
Reflectone Electronics, Inc. USA19391980†60'sSC
Refraction Technology, Inc. (REF-TEK)Pocket PCUSA1975act.90'sPC
Regency Systems, Inc.3 modelsUSA1978(†)80'sPC
Regnecentralen A/S (RC)DASK, Piccoline, (+31)DEN195550's - 80'sPC, SC, MF
Reikotronic GmbHGER1987act.90's - 10'sPC
Rein Elektronik GmbH10 modelsGER-(†)80'sPC
Rein Medical GmbHGER-act.00's - 10'sPC
Rekers DigitaltechnikCE 8/256GER-(†)80'sPC
Relational Memory Systems, Inc. (RELMS)2 modelsUSA-(†)80'sPC
Reliant Engineering Co. AP II HON-80'sPC
Relion (div. Berca)IND-(†)10'sPC
Relisys Corp.9 modelsUSA-(†)80's - 90'sTER, PC
Remanco SystemsUSA1976(†)80'sPC
Remcom Systems, Inc.4 modelsUSA-(†)60'sTER
Remington Rand Co. ATHENA, UNIVAC, TARGET, (+11)USA19271955†50'sMF
Remote Computing Corp.1 modelsUSA-70'sMC
Remote Equipment Corp.PC comp.USA-(†)80'sPC
Remote Processing Corp.USA1992act.00's - 10'sPC
RenardPC comp.?-90'sPC
Reneau Computer SystemsUSA-(†)90'sPC
Renex Corp.2 modelsUSA1975(†)80'sTER
Repco Data, Inc.11 modelsCAN-(†)90'sPC, SC
Replitech Corp.PC comp.USA-(†)80'sPC
Reply Corp.PC comp., (+19)USA-(†)90'sPC
Republic SteelUSA18991984†60'sMC, SC-
Republic TechnologyUSA-(†)90'sPC
Rese Engineering, Inc.USA195360'sSC
ResearchPC comp.?-(†)90'sPC
Research in Motion Ltd. (RIM)Blackberry, (+9)CAN1984act.90's - 10'sPC-
Research Institute "Delta" - MEPElektronika SS BIS, (+2)RUS-(†)80'sSU
Research Institute of Electronic Machines (NIEM) Argon, (+10)RUS19581968†60'sSC
Research Machines Ltd. (RM Plc)LINK 480Z, (+93)UK1973act.70's - 90'sPC
Research, Development & Innovations Ltd.PC comp.USA-(†)90'sPC
Research, Inc.Teleray, (+56)USA1952act.60's - 80'sSC, TER
Reseda Ltd.PC comp.UK199790'sPC
Resilience Corp.SPARC cloneUSA1994(†)90'sPC
Resolution Technology, Inc.USA-(†)90'sPC
Resun Electronics Co., Ltd.PC comp.HON198490's - 00'sPC
Retail Sciences, Inc. (RSI)ClerkUSA-(†)70's - 80'sPC, TER
Retcorp Technologies Ltd.PC comp.UK1995(†)00'sPC
Retention Range (Pty) Ltd.PC comp.BOT2016act.10'sPC
Retro Games Ltd.The C64, (+5)UK2015act.10's - 20'sPC
Retro RevampsPC comp.UK-act.10'sPC
Rever Computer, Inc.PC comp., (+9)USA-(†)90'sPC
Revered Technology, Inc.PC comp., (+2)USA-(†)90'sPC
Revista Nova EletrônicaNE Z80BRA-(†)80'sPC
Revive Machines Sp. z o.o. RM 800 XLPOL-act.20'sPC
REXISTC 5000USA-(†)70'sPC
Rex Berry1900S SeriesUSA-(†)70'sMC
Rexon Business Machines Corp. 16 modelsUSA19781995†80'sPC
Rextechnik International Corp.TWN1988(†)90'sPC
Reynold & Reynolds Co.USA186680'sPC
RFC Distribution Pte Ltd.PC comp.SIN-(†)90'sPC
RGB CustomPC, LLCPC comp.USA2019act.20'sPC
RGS ElectronicsRGS-008USA-70'sPC
Rhinotech Computer Co., Ltd.TWN2006act.00's - 10'sPC
Rhombus Computer Systems1 modelsUK198180'sPC
Rhône-Poulenc Systèmes (RPS) FRA-80'sMC
Rianda Electronics1 modelsUSA1976(†)80'sPC
Rice University2 modelsUSA1912act.60'sSC
Rich Electronics Co., Ltd. PC comp.HON1999act.00's - 20'sPC
Richey Elektronik GmbH1 modelsGER-80'sPC
Richfield Computers Pte Ltd. PC comp., (+5)SIN198990'sPC
RichSource Technology Co., Ltd. CHN-00'sPC
Richter Technik GmbHPC comp., (+2)GER199290'sPC
Ricoh Company, Ltd.RICOM-8, (+151)JAP1936act.70's - 80'sPC
RICOO Technology Co., Ltd. PC comp.CHN2012act.10'sPC
Ridge Computers, Inc.32/330, (+11)USA1980(†)80'sPC
Rifran Eletrônica Ltda.Micro-Master MK-1BRA-80'sSC
Rigel Corp.4 modelsUSA-act.90's - 10'sPC
Rigetti Computing, Inc.USA2013act.20'sSC
Rightpoint Electronics, Inc.PC comp.USA-(†)90'sPC
Rijksuniversiteit GroningenMotorola M6809HOL1614act.80'sPC
Riken Electronic Co., Ltd. MYCOMZ-80AJAP-80'sPC
Rikomagic Tech Corp., Ltd. (RKM) 9 modelsCHN-act.00's - 10'sPC
RIM 2000 PC comp.UKR-act.00'sPC
Rio ComputersPC comp., (+2)USA-(†)90'sPC
Riodan & Ross Distribution, Inc. PC comp., (+7)USA-(†)90'sPC
RIOS Systems, Co., Ltd. PC comp., (+8)JAP-(†)90'sPC
Riotouch Technology Co., Ltd. PC comp.CHN2009act.00's - 10'sPC
Rioworks (div. Arima) 14 modelsTWN1999act.00'sPC
Riphah International University1 modelsPAK2002act.00'sSU
RiscStation Ltd.R7500UK-(†)90'sPC
Rise Computer, Inc.PC comp.TWN1986act.00'sPC
Risecom Corp. (-> Rise Computer)TWN-act.00'sPC
RISK Electronics o.o.l.PC comp., (+2)BUL1990act.90's - 00'sPC
Ritas do Brasil I.B.M. Ltda. Ringo R470BRA-(†)80'sPC
Rite MicrosystemsPC comp.USA-(†)90'sPC
Ritro Electronics BVAMI-COSHOL-70'sPC
Riva Terminals Ltd.1 modelsUK-(†)80'sPC
Rixon Electronics, Inc.USA195360'sTER
RizeonPC comp.UK20052010†00'sPC
Rizzo Ufficio Import/Export s.a.s. (RM Computer)PC comp., (+3)ITA-act.80'sPC
RK-Elektronik GmbH 3 modelsGER1970act.80'sPC
RLC Enterprises, Inc.12 modelsUSA-80's - 00'sPC
RLS Computer ServicesPC comp.UK1994act.00'sPC
RLX Technologies, Inc. 12 modelsUSA19992005†00'sPC
RM Education (-> Research Machines) PC comp.UK-act.00'sPC
RM Trade GroupPC comp.UKR2004act.10's - 20'sPC
RMK SystemsUSA-(†)80's - 90'sPC
RMT, Inc. (div. Roper Industries)PC comp.USA-00'sPC
RNA, Inc.3 modelsUSA-(†)80'sPC
RoadrunnerPC comp.?-(†)90'sPC
Robert Bosch GmbH (Bosch)1 modelsGER1886act.80'sTER
Robin Hood ElectronicsBig Blue BoardCAN-(†)80'sPC
Robot Research, Inc.1 modelsUSA-80'sTER
Robotech Corp.PC comp., (+17)USA-(†)90'sPC
Robotrol Corp.USA-80'sPC
Robotron Access Products, Inc.PC comp.USA-(†)90'sPC
ROCC (-> Redifon Computers)UK1984act.80'sPC
RockPC comp.?-(†)90'sPC
Rock Computers PC comp., (+34)UK199290's - 10'sPC
Rockfield Computer SystemsUK-(†)80'sPC
RockigerPC comp.GER-act.00'sPC
RockITPC comp.UK-act.00'sPC
Rockwell International PPS, AIM 65, (+4)USA19731998†70's - 80'sPC, TER
Rocky Mountain TradingPC comp.USA-(†)80'sPC
Rod Irving Electronics (RIE) PC comp., (+9)AUS-90'sPC
Roda Computer GmbHRocky, (+2)GER1987act.00's - 20'sPC
Roederstein GmbH EZ80-DIT, (+2)GER19251993†80'sPC
RoelH IsettaUSA-(†)00'sPC
Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KGPPC, (+4)GER1933act.80'sPC
Rohner-ETV-ElektronikPC comp.GER-80'sPC
Roland Digital Group DataTrain, (+2)CAN-80'sPC
Roldec Systems Plc PC comp., (+26)UK199090'sPC
ROLITRON Müszaki Fejlesztö Ksz.Rosytext , (+6)HUN-(†)80'sPC
ROLM Corp. AN/UYK, (+31)USA19691985†70's - 80'sMC, TER-
Rolo-Electronic GmbH3 modelsGER-80'sPC
Rolta India Ltd.3 modelsIND1989act.90'sPC-
ROMAC Computer EquipmentUSA-(†)80'sPC
Romanicus Corp.PC comp.USA-80'sPC
Romar Computer Systems, Inc. 1 modelsUSA-80'sPC
Romdom Pty Ltd.PC comp.AUS-90'sPC
Roneo Alcatel BVRoneo 2000, (+2)HOL-(†)80'sMC, PC
Ronex AB TPC-8300SWE-(†)80'sPC
Ronlight Digital Ltd.ISR-TAB10'sPC
Rooster SystemsUSA-(†)90'sPC
Rose ComputerPC comp., (+2)?-90'sPC
Rose Hill SystemsPC comp.USA-(†)80'sPC
Roseapple Pi1 modelsTWN-00's - 10'sPC
Rosh TechPC comp., (+9)?-(†)90'sPC
Ross Computer and Appliance WarehousePC comp.USA-(†)90'sPC
Ross TechnologySPARC clone, (+6)USA19971998†90'sPC
Rotec Technology GmbH GER199090's - 10'sPC
Rothdach und Wiesenbart (ROWI)1 modelsGER-80'sPC
Rothenberg Information Systems, Inc.2 modelsUSA1978(†)80'sPC
Rothschild ElectronicsPC comp.GER-(†)90'sPC
Rotring EuroCAD GmbHGER-(†)80'sPC
Rover Computers52 modelsRUS1991(†)90's - 10'sPC-
RoverBook (-> Rover Computer) RUS1995act.90's - 00'sPC
RoverPad (-> Rover Computer)33 modelsRUS2010act.10'sPC
RoverPC (-> Rover Computer)RUS2010act.10'sPC
Rovex Systems International Pvt Ltd.PC comp.AUS-90'sPC
Rowland AssociatesUSA-90'sPC
RoyalPC comp., (+2)?-(†)90'sPC
Royal Aircraft Establishment (RAE)SCC, (+3)UK19041988†40's - 50'sSC
Royal Business Machines, Inc. Friday, (+13)USA1976197670's - 90'sPC
Royal Computer Co., Ltd. (Romax)PC comp., (+12)KOR-80'sPC
Royal Computer, Inc. PC comp., (+114)USA198890'sPC
Royal Electronics, Inc. PC comp.USA-90'sPC
Royal McBee Corp. RPCUSA19541965†50'sMF
Royal Precision Computer (RPC) (-> Royal McBee)2 modelsUSA-(†)60'sMF
RP Infosystems Ltd. (Chirag)PC comp.IND200500'sPC
RPC (div. Dai-Tech)ROM2003act.00's - 10'sPC
RPG Data Systems, Inc.1 modelsUSA-(†)70'sMC
RRR (3R) Computers Corp.5 modelsUSA19811992†80'sPC
RS Components, Ltd.1 modelsUK-(†)80's - 00'sPC
RSCPC comp.CZE-(†)00'sPC
RSC Group13 modelsRUS2009act.10's - 20'sPC, SU
RSC SKIF8 modelsRUS-00's - 10'sSU
RST DataPC comp., (+5)?-90'sPC
RTD Embedded Technologies, Inc.USA1985act.90's - 10'sPC
RTM SystemsPC comp., (+10)UK1987(†)90'sPC
RTR ComputerUSA-(†)80'sPC
Ruben Engineering Corp.The AssistantUSA-80'sPC
Rubicon Systems, Inc.Rubicon, Associates, (+8)USA-(†)80'sPC
Rüegg-Naegeli & Cie. AG Exophor, (+2)SWI1899act.80'sPC
Ruf Bee?-80'sPC
Ruf Buchhaltung AG Praetor, (+47)SWI19232018†60's - 80'sPC
Rugged Digital Systems, Inc. Microvax II, (+2)USA-(†)80'sMC
Rugged Information Technology Equipment Corp. (RITEC)USA1996act.00's - 10'sPC
Rugged NoteBooks (RNB)PC comp.USA-act.00'sPC
Rugged Portable SystemsSPARC cloneUSA-(†)90'sPC
Rugged Science, LLCUSA-act.00's - 10'sPC
Rugged Tech Co., Ltd. (Rugged T)CHN-act.10'sPC
Ruixin Touch Control Technology Co., Ltd. PC comp.HON2001act.00's - 10'sPC
Rumo Norte InformaticaPC comp., (+6)BRA1996act.00'sPC
Run PC comp.?-90'sPC
Rundfunk-und FernsehTechnik (RFT)LC80, KC-85, (+8)GER-80'sPC, TER
Runow1 modelsGER-80'sPC
Runtio Technology Ltd.HON2014act.10'sPC
Russian Academy of Sciences - Institute of Cybernetics Problems1 modelsRUS-act.90'sSC
Russian Academy of Sciences - Moscow BESM-1, (+5)RUS1724act.50's - 60'sSC-
Rutronik Passive BauelementeGER1973act.00's - 10'sPC
Ruzhi Technology Co., Ltd.PC comp.CHN2002act.00's - 10'sPC
RW-Roger Willis Comp.PC comp., (+7)USA-(†)90'sPC

(c) epocalc 2019