Ordinateurs |
Alice | Alice documentation |  | Matra - Alice 32 |  | Matra Alice 32 Documentaires (archived) |  | Matra Alice : données techniques |  | Amstrad | Amstrad - CPC 464 |  | Amstrad - RAMBURGER |  | AMSTRAD CPC - CPCrulez. free.fr |  | Amstrad CPC Mémoire écrite - Livres et revues sur l'Amstrad CPC |  | Amstrad CPC, moniteur et TV - Phenixinformatique . com, Amstrad CPC pour toujours |  | Amstrad PCW8256 - Computing History |  | Amstrad TODAY |  | Amstrad.eu : Ordinateur Amstrad CPC 464, 664, 6128, Plus, GX4000 |  | Amstradeus - amstrad.cpc.free.fr |  | Changer la courroie - Change fdd belt - Amstradeus |  | cpc hardware |  | CPC-HardWare (archived) |  | CPC-POWER, CPCArchives |  | CPCMuseum, le musée virtuel de l'Amstrad CPC |  | Index of /roms/amstrad |  | Le CPC 464 |  | Phenixinformatique.com, Amstrad CPC |  | PLAN CPC |  | Roland6128 amstrad games |  | T.A.C.G.R. - Downloads Index |  | T.A.C.G.R. - Welcome |  | Un CPC dans un monde moderne (archived) |  | Apple | ///SHH Systeme Product Information |  | 1960s Braun Products Hold the Secrets to Apples Future |  | A Little Byte Different |  | A2Central.com - Your total source for Apple II computing |  | A2THINGS |  | ADTWin |  | All About Apple - II piu fornito museo Apple e AMUG Ligure dal 2002 |  | Apple //c - Transfert Apple II vers PC avec ADT |  | Apple 1 |  | Apple Computer History - books about Apple Computer, Inc. |  | Apple Computer History Links |  | Apple Has Always Been a Niche Player |  | Apple II |  | Apple II - PC File Transfers |  | Apple II and III Index |  | Apple II card collection |  | Apple II Clones |  | Apple II computer |  | Apple II Europlus Kondensator + NTSC |  | Apple II GAME SITES |  | Apple II History |  | Apple II Plus |  | Apple II Plus teardown and cleanup and some history (PART 1 of 2) - YouTube |  | Apple II Textfiles |  | Apple II Vintage Library and Videos |  | Apple IIc internals |  | apple IIe |  | Apple IIe Platinum |  | Apple IIGS France - Documentation II/II+/IIe/IIc |  | Apple IIGS France - Documentations accessoires famille Apple II |  | Apple manuals |  | Apple The First (blog) |  | Apple ][ Disk Server |  | Apple ][ Game Server Online! |  | Apple ][ Online Disk Server |  | Apple ][+ |  | apple-history.com |  | apple2 |  | Apple2 Forever |  | Apple2history - The Apple IIe
|  | Apple2Info.Net: Apple II Information |  | Apple: Their Tablet Computer History |  | Archive-Apple Computer Manuals archive |  | Brutal Deluxe Software (apple ii) |  | Cameron Apple 2 Closet |  | CFFA3000 for Apple II - Byte Cellar |  | CiderPress |  | ClassicGaming - the home of classic gaming on the net - Apple II roms |  | Collection Apple - Jerome Vernet |  | Collection Apple II |  | Csa2 Apple II FAQs MAINHALL (archived) |  | Csa2 Apple II FAQs MAJOR SITES |  | DigitalDinos - Apple II |  | Doc Apple II/IIe/IIc |  | Documentation Accessoires Apple II |  | Download Apple II ROMs and Games |  | download.apple |  | FAQ, Trues, Infos & Astuces Apple II |  | Flickr: Le pool Apple // Computers |  | Floppy Emu Disk Emulator for Apple II, Macintosh, and Lisa |  | Forever- FAQ, Trucs, Infos & Astuces Apple |  | HACK Z APPLE, Collection Apple II |  | Hardware Manuals » Apple2Online.com - The Ultimate Apple II Resource! |  | Hartmut Esslinger-s early apple computer and tablet designs |  | High Speed Serial Interface Card: Settings (11/96) |  | Histoire d'Apple - Musée |  | History - Over its lifetime, how many Apple II computers were sold? |  | How to repair the Apple //e Power Supply - MacPie |  | Index de apple . asimov . net/pub/apple_II/ |  | Index de gno.org/pub/apple2 |  | Index of /Public/Apple II Items |  | Index of /SMSarcade/newarcade/apple2/A |  | Index of if-archive/games/applell |  | Interfacing The CCS 7710A Asynchronous Serial Card |  | L'histoire d'Apple en 110 publicités |  | La page des Pom's |  | Lecteur de CompactFlash CFFA pour Apple 2 |  | Les différences entre un APPLE II et un APPLE II Plus |  | Links - apple2info.net: Apple II Information |  | Macintosh Apple Hardware Listing |  | MEWA-48 Apple II clone |  | MIRRORS.APPLE2.ORG.ZA |  | Moniteurs apple |  | Nitrozone 5 - Apple II Collection |  | PRODOS |  | QUART DE POMME* |  | Restoring and Repairing two Apple II Clones |  | RS-232, the ACIA and the Apple |  | SDISK 0 - DISK 0 emulator for APPLE II |  | Semi-Virtual Diskette (SVD) - Home |  | Site Apple Collection |  | Steve Jobs building NeXT - YouTube |  | Steve Jobs/ Apple Museum (43 Pics) - Stickboy Photos |  | Super Serial Card: Description |  | Tableau compartif des Apple II |  | Téléchargement de manuels, logiciels Apple |  | The Apple 2 clones of Asia |  | The Evolution of the Apple Mouse |  | The Mothership Apple Advertising and Brochure Gallery |  | ToddFun.com: Apple II Plus teardown and cleanup and some history (Part 1 of 2) - YouTube |  | Un Apple Ile pour contrôler le démantèlement d'armes nucléaires |  | Underground //e |  | VAW: Computer Collection: Apple II Drives |  | VAW: Computer Collection: Apple IIc |  | VAW: Free Programs for Your Apple II |  | VAW: The Evolution of the Apple Mouse |  | VAW: Vectronic's Apple Collection |  | Vectronic's Apple World |  | Ventes d'Apple (Apple 2 sellings) |  | Virtual Apple 2 - Online disk archive |  | Macintosh | Apple Macintosh before System 7 |  | Connecting your SE to a PC |  | Demarrage PowerBook 150 - Forum Mac |  | eMac - Wikipédia |  | Le Grenier du Mac, les applications |  | Low End Mac's Compact Mac Index |  | Mac clones sites |  | Mac disk images |  | Mac Parts |  | Macintosh & Clones |  | Macintosh iMac G3 |  | Macintosh SE/30 |  | Musée Mac |  | Pièces Mac |  | Resources For The Older Macintosh |  | System 6 |  | The Mac Geek Downloads Page |  | The Mac SE Support Pages |  | The Mothership Macintosh Service Manuals |  | Where to download Mac OS |  | Atari | abbuc atari Shop |  | Atari - 800 XL |  | Atari - Best Electronics Home |  | Atari - Shop |  | Atari 520 ST manual |  | Atari 8-Bit Computers: Frequently Asked Questions |  | Atari 8-bit Projects Stuff
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|  | Atari NTSC vs PAL vs SECAM |  | Atari Portfolio - Complete inventory of repair parts |  | Atari Portfolio.uk |  | Atari ST Hardware hacks |  | Atari ST Interfaces / Connectors / Cables Information |  | Atari ST Top 100 Games Hits (past week) |  | Atari ST: 260 ST, 520 ST, 1040 ST und Mega ST - atarimuseum.de |  | Atari XL/XE Games And Demos Page |  | Atarimania - Atari 400, 800, XL, XE - List of catalogs - Atari (USA) |  | Demontage des ATARI ST |  | Floppy Image program |  | French Story Press Review - Atarinside |  | Index of /~archive/atari/Portfolio |  | List of Atari 400 800 XL XE Books |  | PC Netzteil |  | sio2pc |  | SIO2PC / ProSystem Universal Interface (USB and RS232 Adapters) |  | The Atari Portfolio Website |  | Transferer des fichiers ST ou MSA vers des disquettes 3.5 depuis un PC |  | XL's/XE's humming |  | Autres | 6502man |  | Amiga History Guide |  | Amiga Longplay [098] Another World - YouTube |  | Atari Portfolio - CPU battery |  | BASIC programs - hxtape |  | Best of NeXT Computer System Collection |  | bit-player - Computing and mathematics |  | Black Hole, Incorporated. - Premium NeXT Section ! |  | Cable RGB-SCART Enterprise 64/128 - Retrocables - Tienda de cables retro |  | Detailed information about the SHARP MZ-series |  | DF30E'S Teleprinter Museum |  | Elan Enterprise - stardot.org.uk |  | ElanComputersLTD.pdf |  | EmulateurTavernier6809 |  | Enigma-E self-build electronic kits |  | Enterprise 64/128 |  | Epson handheld |  | Epson HC/HX-20 videos |  | Epson HX-20 |  | Epson HX-20 - OLD-COMPUTERS Museum |  | Epson HX-20 computer |  | Epson HX-20 Portable Computer |  | Epson HX-20, Overview - Technical Support - Epson America, Inc. |  | Epson PX-8 |  | Epson PX-8 |  | Epson PX-8 computer |  | Epson PX8 ROMs |  | forum.system-cfg.com - [THOMSON] K7 numerisées |  | General Electric & Bull Large Systems |  | GOWAP - BASIC TO7-70 - mémento |  | Grospixels TO7 |  | Herb's S-100 Stuff |  | HXTape - Project Web Hosting - Open Source Software HX-20 |  | Index of /gallery/hewlett-packard-model-85-hp-85 |  | Index of /NeXTfiles |  | Index of /NeXTfiles/Software/NEXTSTEP/FloppyJmages |  | Kyber computers |  | L Enterprise 64 (ou ELAN 64) |  | L'usine de Minitel |  | La page des fans du VG5000µ |  | LogAbax Page |  | Logiciels Thomson |  | Many Systems on a PowerBook - OS |  | Michael Holley's SWTPC 6800/6809 documentation collection |  | Minitel / Teletel / Videotex |  | MZ-700 Download - Operating Systems |  | MZ-700 Games |  | MZ-700 Review |  | NetBSD-next68k |  | NEXSTEP/OPENSTEP Utilities - OpenStep on Microsoft Windows PC Emulators |  | NeXT Computer Historical Site |  | NeXT Computers :: Index |  | NeXT Computers Forums |  | NeXT External CD-ROM Drive |  | NeXT ROM Monitor |  | NeXTstation Brochure |  | NeXTstation Modele 1100 |  | NeXTstation Turbo |  | NeXTstation Turbo setup |  | NeXTStep |  | NeXTStep 3.3 - Network and System Administration Manual |  | NextStep 3.3 with VMWare drivers @ OSvirtual |  | NEXTSTEP and OPENSTEP Resource Page |  | NeXTSTEP Boot and Driver Disk Images |  | NeXTSTEP Release 3 Demo - YouTube |  | NeXTSTEP sur Virtual PC |  | Nostalgies Thomsonistes - accueil |  | Oric - Atmos |  | PDF documentation for the Epson HX-20 |  | Philippe PVBest's Atari 8bits Web Site - Atari & Emulation links |  | Philips - VG5000 |  | Printer Orchestra |  | Retro Game And Computers |  | Russian computers |  | Scooter - 35895515.fr - Desormais, 100% moins cher que le 36 15 ! |  | Serveur Minitel - Jelora.fr |  | Sharp MZ-700 Adverts |  | Sharp MZ-700 documents |  | Single Board computers |  | Specifications du Minitel |  | STRATIX - Oric documentation |  | The NeXT-FAQ (Frequently asked questions) |  | C64DTV | Adding ports and power to the C64 DTV |  | C64 Projects, Commodore 64, (c) Nicholas COPLIN |  | C64DTV - Hacking for dummies |  | Chips DTV Hack Homepage (archived) |  | Commodore 64 DTV |  | connectique - fils et câbles |  | Daniel Kahlin: Software/C64DTV |  | Hacking the PAL version of the C64 DTV |  | HolgiB's Blog DTV hack |  | Petscii Forums "PETSCII.COM" - DTVHacking |  | Pictures of My Hacks and Others |  | powerglitch dtv (archived) |  | Commodore | AMIGALAND V6.05 - Accueil |  | AmigaMuseum - SPACE RACE |  | Amstrad pcw 8256 8512 |  | C65 History |  | CCOM - Commodore Computer Online |  | Commodore Collection Galien |  | Commodore Computers specifications |  | Commodore computers transfer projects |  | Commodore free |  | Commodore Info Page |  | Commodore Info Page - Datassette: Commodore C2N |  | Commodore MM3M aka Minuteman 3M version 1 |  | Commodore Monitore |  | Commodore PET 2001 - Ordinateur vintage - Catawiki |  | Commodore PET 2001 computer |  | Commodore PET 2001 emulator |  | Commodore PET 3008 et PET 2001... |  | Commodore PET in press |  | Commodore PET index - versions |  | Commodore PET Keyboard Replacements Project |  | Commodore PET Labels |  | Commodore PET Mini |  | Commodore PET Programs |  | Commodore Power Supplies - DenialWiki |  | Commodore Service Manuals (and more!) |  | Comparison HP 9845 vs. Apple Q and Commodore PET 2001 |  | Computer Info - Commodore Rarities |  | Datasette - DenialWiki |  | DAVES OLD COMPUTERS - Commodore PET |  | Daves Old Computers - Commodore PET |  | DLH Commodore Archive - Commodore - Books - Kim/Pet/Vic |  | DLH's Commodore Archive |  | Downloadable games and other software for the Commodore PET |  | ftp.funet.fi__pub_cbm_ |  | History of Computer design: Commodore PET 2001 (1977) |  | Home - Plus/4 World |  | Index of /pub/cbm/       |  | Les moniteurs Commodore |  | New Home Computers At The Winter Consumer Electronics Show |  | Other Commodore related links
|  | Paddle - DenialWiki |  | PETSCII Robots for Commodore 64, VIC-20 and PET. - The 8-Bit Guy |  | Secret Weapons of Commodore: HHC-4 |  | TFW8b Retro Computer fan site. SD2IEC, Atari - Hom of the C64p |  | C64 | C64 & C128 - Gallery |  | 64NET/2 Home Page |  | Altri Bit: C64 |  | Bullwnkl's Arcade Classic C-64 Fan Page (archived) |  | C64 Archive |  | C64 Emulators - Games |  | c64 hardware |  | C64-Online.com :: Thema anzeigen - C64 - erste Hilfe beim Totalausfall |  | Commodore - Emu Nova |  | Commodore - PC File Transfers |  | Commodore 64 (C64) |  | Commodore 64 Online User Manual |  | Commodore 64 ressources |  | Commodore 64 tape preservation project |  | Commodore C64SD v2.0 Infinity - Manosoft C64SD website |  | Commodore.ca - Products - Commodore 64 History, Manuals & Photo's 64C 64GS |  | COMMORADIO.NET - Authentic sound of Commodore 64 and Commodore Amiga |  | Connecting your PC and Commodore Disk Drive |  | Here be Commodore Computers. Be in Awe. |  | International Soccer - C64 - Gameplay vid - YouTube |  | Lemon - Commodore 64, C64 Games, Reviews & Music! |  | Meet the Commodore 64 SD Card Reader Girls!:) |  | Metalvoze - 64net/2 |  | MJK_ C-64 Games
|  | Périphériques Commodore |  | Peters howto and open source Site - C64 Restauration Pentagon |  | Play the Commodore 64 action games online |  | Répertoire de _pub_c64
|  | SDrive 1564 SD card interface for Commodore computers |  | Spiro's homepage - CBM4WIN |  | The C64 Web Download Archive (archived) |  | Tooth invaders (1982) review for C64 and Vic-20 |  | Tooth Invaders (Commodore 64) gameplay - YouTube |  | xm-1541 |  | xu1541 - connect the vc1541 to the USB |  | Vic 20 | Commodore VC20 kit |  | Commodore VIC 20 tape preservation project |  | Commodore VIC20 4kb ROMs and Games |  | Commodoretalk.com - vic-20 mainboard |  | Daves Old Computers - Commodore Vic20 |  | DAVES OLD COMPUTERS - Commodore Vic20 |  | Denial - vic 20 forum |  | ftp.funet.fi__pub_cbm_vic20_roms |  | La page du Vic20
|  | VC20 |  | VIC-20 Power Supplies - DenialWIKI |  | Amiga | ADTWin for Amiga |  | Amiga - Planet Emulation |  | Amiga Boot Screen Colours |  | Boot Selector DF0/DF1 DF1/DF0 Signal SELOfrom SEL1 Amiga 500 - Sordan Electronics |  | La mère Zaclys - Solutions alternatives et libres / AmigaOS - Créer des disquettes de jeu Amiga |  | Modifying PC Floppy Drive for Amiga Use |  | Modifying PC floppy drives for Amiga use - English Amiga Board |  | Obligement - L'Amiga au maximum |  | Transfer files between an Amiga and a PC - adf tutorial |  | USB Floppy Emulator - Gotek - AMIGAstore.eu |  | Vesalia Computer - Your Amiga shop since 1987 |  | Divers | Adorable Lego sets lets you build retro desktops - Curbed |  | Album Photo et Vidéo de Rodrik |  | Alker33 vintage computers - YouTube |  | ASCII - Artscene - BBS - YouTube |  | Collection and virtual museum list (464 links) |  | Comite pour la liquidation ou la destruction des ordinateurs — Wikipedia |  | Computers Tablets Networking - How Much Worth |  | Disk sleeves |  | Evil floppy drives - Silents Homepage |  | Flickriven SA_Steve's 200 photos tagged with computing |  | Foxdata - Data General Minicomputers |  | HC-20-Computer Museum |  | HxC2001 HeadQuarters : HxC Floppy Emulator |  | Le prix des micro-ordinateurs |  | Level 44 - Achat et vente de matériel informatique, hifi, video, high-tech, etc.. |  | Liens vers des sites Ordinosaures |  | Manufacturer logos from the electronics industry - Datasheet Archive |  | Minecraft - La calculatrice scientifique |  | MySilicium • Consulter le sujet - Les membres et leur sites : en deulignes |  | Ordinateur - La Lanterne Rouge |  | Pinterest - Seikedon computers by Hideaki Seike |  | Pinterest - Vintage electronics |  | Pravetz computers |  | Projects Hardware Software Homemade Z80 systems |  | Retro Computers ©pinterest |  | Rodrik Studio |  | Sorting the Computer - Visual Computer Database |  | Starring the Computer |  | The Evolution of the Personal Computer Animation |  | The Hottest Babes comes in ASCII |  | Vintage computer - Tumblr |  | Vintage Computers - Sell parts of old computers |  | Weird but Wonderful Computers |  | [eBay] Les ventes les plus folles |  | Emulateurs | 02EM1.18 an Odyssey2 &Videopac+ emulator |  | 1SMESS - The Javascript MESS |  | A DEC PDP-8 Emulator in Java running Lisp |  | Almetare - calculators emulators |  | Almetare - The pocket calculator library for Linux and Windows (emulator) |  | Altair emulator |  | Amiga 500 Emulator: A Portable Native Client demo |  | Amstrad Emulators |  | Apple ][js - An Apple 2 Emulator in JavaScript |  | Apple//e Emulator for Windows |  | Arcade@Home(tm) |  | Atari ST smulator |  | BeebEm - BBC Micro and Master 128 Emulator |  | Beleepit - Emulators |  | Browser based Acorn Electron Emulator |  | Calculators 3000 - emulator and simulator of soviet calculators |  | Casio FX-702P emulator |  | Casio FX-7500G emulator |  | Casio PB-2000C emulator |  | Christoph Giesselink Emu48 - HP38/39/40/48/49 Emulator Emu48 |  | Classics for UAE
|  | Clean Coder Blog - PDP 8 emulator |  | Connie's pocket games emulators |  | CPCBox - Amstrad CPC emulator in Javascript |  | Digitpress |  | DMOZ - Computers Emulators - Intel x86 Architecture |  | Easy 6502 emulator |  | EDSAC Simulator |  | emu2K |  | EmuInfinity - To Infinity and Beyond |  | Emulation.ch |  | Emulators written in JavaScript |  | Emulators written in JavaScript - Frederic Cambus |  | EmuUnlim (archived) |  | Enigma Machine Applet |  | epocalc online emulators page |  | Exelvision - Emulateur DCExel |  | ezEmulation |  | Games Machine |  | GO9800 Emulator |  | HP Calculator Emulators for the PC |  | HP Calculator Simulations |  | HP Emulators |  | HP-15C emulator |  | HP-15C RPN Scientific Calculator Emulator |  | HP-16C Emulator |  | HP-85 Emulator download |  | Java Spectrum Emulator |  | JEMU - The Java Emulation Platform |  | JSBeeb - Javascript BBC Micro emulator |  | JSVecX Vectrex emulator |  | lames Friend - PCE.js - Classic Mac OS in the Browser |  | lames Friend - PCE.js IBM PC/XT in the Browser |  | List of computer system emulators - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |  | Liste des Emulateurs - Emu-France |  | Mailufter emulator |  | Manchester baby emulator |  | MC-10 Javascript Emulator |  | MO5 emulator - dcmo5 online |  | Navy M3/M4 Enigma Machine Emulator |  | Norbert-s Emulators |  | Olivier2smet2 HP calculators emulators |  | Online Apollo Guidance Computer Simulator |  | Online emulator of the oldest Operating Systems (MAC-OS/MS-DOS) |  | OSI Challenger emulator |  | Palm OS Emulator (archived) |  | PiDP-8, a PDP-8/1 Replica |  | Planet Emulation |  | Planet Emulation - Les jeux video ont aussi leur histoire! |  | Progetto Emma - Mess |  | Retro handheld games emulators |  | Retro PC/XT emulator - Joris.VR |  | retro-B5500 Emulator |  | Reversing Sinclair amazing 1974 calculator hack |  | Sharp related projects - olivier2smet2 emulator |  | Smackdown Emulation |  | Spacewar! - Original 1962 code on PDP-1 emulator |  | TAKEDA toshiya CPM emulators |  | TAKEDA, Toshiya-s emulator page |  | Technotopus Emulatox (archived) |  | The Amiga Emulators Site |  | The C64 online emulator |  | The Emulation Experience
|  | The HP-45 Microcode Simulator |  | The Odyssey 2 Emulator Page |  | The Official Frodo Home Page
|  | TI-58C La calculatrice ! |  | TI-84 emulator |  | TI-92 Plus |  | Timex/Sinclair 1000 Emulator |  | TRS-80 Level I BASIC Simulator |  | Vectrex computer - emulators emulation |  | Vertigo - TI-59 emulator |  | vic-20 emulator |  | Virtual Operating Systems for Windows and Macintosh |  | Windows 3.1 online emulator |  | Windows XP Emulator - Total Emulator |  | WineHQ - Wine Application Database |  | WITCH Emulator |  | World of Spectrum - Emulators |  | Zophar's Domain Emulators |  | ZX Spectrum |  | Forums et blogs | Brusaporto Retrocomputing |  | Classic Computing - AtariAge Forums |  | Forum - homecomputermuseum.de |  | Le blog de l'actualité du musée de l'informatique |  | Le forum des vidéos - Abandonware Forums |  | Modern Mechanix » Computers blog |  | MySilicium - Les membres et leur sites |  | MySillicium |  | Nightfall Retro Collection |  | Old-Computers.com @ facebook |  | Oldies P.Cs & Oldies systèmes - Association WDA - Forums |  | ordiretro |  | Retro Battlestations |  | Retro Ordenadores Orty |  | Retro-gaming Connexion - yAronet |  | RetroComputing - Le Blog de l'Informatique Old School & Alternative |  | RetroMagazine World |  | Rhod's Collection Blog - Blog sur les vieux micros ordinateurs, consoles old school |  | system-cfg.com - Le forum |  | The Myriad Blog |  | The Vintage Computer Forums |  | Vintage Computing and Gaming - The Retrogaming and Retrocomputing Blogazine |  | Vintage computing forum of the German "VzEkC e.V" |  | Vintage Technology Magazine
|  | yAronet - Attention : forum addictif ! |  | Your Vintage Computer Collections - Vintage Computer Forum |  | zorglub29 |  | Histoire | 1000+ computers from 1975-1985 |  | 50 years polish computing |  | A Brief History of Data Storage on Vimeo |  | A Brief History of Word Processing (Through 1986) by Brian Kunde |  | A Chronology of Computing at The University of Waterloo |  | A Gorgeous Guide to the Earliest Computers |  | A History of Home Video Games from Atari to Xbox, Playstation and Wii |  | A History of Silicon Valley |  | A Survey of Computers with Hardware Stack Support |  | A Timeline of Computers and IT in India |  | Actes des colloques sur l histoire de l'informatique |  | Archeologia Informatica |  | Articles historiques des marques francaises |  | Aux origines d'Internet et de la micro-informatique |  | Babbage s Calculating Engines - Being a Collection of Papers Relating to them |  | Binary Dinosaurs - Home Computing History |  | Bygone Computers - From Napiers bones to power computing |  | Cahiers d'histoire des Télécommunications et de l'informatique |  | Chaîne de ComputerHistory - YouTube |  | Classic Tech Company Profiles blog |  | Computer Companies |  | Computer Companies - Classic Tech |  | Computer History |  | Computer History for 1960 -1980 |  | Computer Hopes computer dictionary |  | Computer Pioneers online book |  | Computer-Geschichte (archive) |  | ComputerHistory.it |  | Computers By Manufacturer - Computing History |  | Computers, Information, and Society - Lectures 1-24 |  | Computing at Columbia Timeline |  | Computing History |  | Computing History 1968-Present by Scott Granneman |  | Cost of CPU Performance Through Time 1944-2003 |  | Cronologie a informaticii românesti - Wikipedia |  | Cyber Heroes of the Past |  | Dall-abaco al Computer |  | DDR Computer sites |  | Disk Drive Prices 1955+ |  | Doug Engelbart 1968 Demo |  | Early desktop calculator |  | Early Home Computers - By Wikipedians - Google Livres |  | ed-thelen - Documents, Links & Videos |  | EETimes.com - Electronics Industry News for EEs & Engineering Managers |  | Electronique autobiographie Nation Japon guerre 4eme calculatrice - YouTube |  | Elorg; Moscow Fabricant en SU, Modeles en Union Sovietique |  | Etapes de I Histoire du Developpement de I informatique |  | evolt.org - Browser Archive |  | Evolution from Calculators to Microcomputers to Minicomputers (India) |  | Flickr: Computers & Electronics album |  | Flickr: Computers and the Women That Use Them |  | Flickr: Galerie de yvesbolo |  | Fondements de l'informatique |  | Full Computer Timeline |  | Full Timeline |  | Gordon Bell's Timeline of Computing History |  | Greek computer - Youtube |  | Guide to Computing - A visual history of computing 1945-1979 |  | GUIdebook Articles |  | Histoire de l'informatique - Humour |  | Histoire de l'informatique - Inter-Dev |  | Histoire de l'informatique - Musée |  | Histoire de l'Informatique : Les grandes dates : L'ère de l'électronique |  | Histoire des Consoles de Jeux Video GAMOPAT |  | Histoire du département Mathématique-Informatique de Lyon
|  | Histoire du DOS |  | Historic Journey through Electronics, Computers &the Internet - Eric Talaska |  | Historique des taux de change officiels à  partir de 1953 avec graphique |  | History of Calculators, Computers, and Internet |  | History of computer hardware in Soviet Bloc countries - Wikipedia |  | History of Computers - Vintage Computer Club Malta |  | History of Computers @ hitmill |  | History of Computers and Computing - the scanner |  | History of the floppy disk - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |  | History of the punch card - Reference from Whatls.com |  | Hobbes Internet Timeline - the definitive ARPAnet & Internet history |  | Homage to Dennis M. Ritchie |  | HP film precurseur ipad et iphone (1994) |  | IBM and the Seven Dwarfs — Dwarf Four: Honeywell * Dvorak News Blog |  | IBM Mainframe Resource Portal |  | ICL computer |  | IEEE Annals of the History of Computing |  | Il Gruppo Olivetti/Olivetti S.p.A./Storia |  | Index of history of computing articles |  | Index: EL - trade.mar.cx |  | Information Technology Pioneers - Computer Chapters |  | Interview Aldo Reset |  | Interview with Bill Gates |  | IT Companies Database |  | Itihaasa - History of Indian IT |  | JohnClaudi Electronics Images |  | Kids Computers Through the Ages - PCWorld |  | Konrad Zuse |  | L'ordinateur made in Vaud - Histoires numériques |  | L'Univac |  | La fin du minitel ! |  | La galerie historique des techniques et des sciences |  | La industria electrónica argentina, la de Brasil, y el Mercosur que no fue |  | La micro informatique |  | Le site de Steph : Histoire de l'informatique : chronologie |  | Le site des anciennes émissions tv - www.abandonware-videos.org |  | Les 25 produits Logitech les plus marquants |  | Les débuts de la micro |  | Les pionniers de l'informatique - Soleil levant - SORD |  | Mémoires pour servir à l'histoire des métiers du traitement de l'information |  | MicroStory - L'histoire de la micro-informatique |  | Mini Skirt Monday #144 - Computers and Minis |  | Nostalgeek : MS-DOS a 30 ans |  | Notable moments in mouse history |  | OldVersion.com |  | Olivetti, storia di un impresa |  | Origins of Common UI Symbols |  | OS-9 and VME Business Index |  | Our Computer Heritage - British-designed computers |  | Personal Computers of the 1970s and 1980s |  | Polskie komputery- Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia |  | Printer history (trabslated from JAP) |  | Prolog Heritage |  | Qui sauve les vieux ordinateurs ? - Histoires numeriques |  | Retrotechnology Media - Typewritten Software History |  | Robotrontechnik.de - Die Geschichte der Computertechnik der DDR |  | Sanyo logo and history |  | Sketch of The Analytical Engine |  | smaky.ch - Une histoire de l'informatique en Suisse |  | Steve Jobs Interviews |  | Telehack - internet retro emulator |  | The code that took America to the moon was just published to GitHub |  | The computer mouse turns 40 - Input Devices - Macworld |  | The Erwin Tomash Library - Computer history manuscripts |  | The First Computer |  | The history of computer data storage, in pictures - Royal Pingdom |  | The History of Microsoft -1987 - The History of Microsoft @ Channel 9 |  | The History of Personal Computing |  | The History of the Floppy Disk - Input Output (archived) |  | The Intel 4004 Home |  | The Machine Room - Companies |  | The MCS-4 Story - YouTube |  | The Minicomputer Orphanage |  | The Original Disc Sleeve Archive |  | The Restart Page - Free unlimited rebooting experience from vintage OS |  | The rise and fall of personal computing in Grafics |  | Time-Line Computer Archive |  | Timeline of Computer History |  | TNMoC Archive - Flickr |  | Total Share: Personal Computer Market Share 1975-2005 |  | Turing, Father of the Modern Computer |  | Videos of computer industry in India |  | Vintagecomputer.net Classic Computing and Vintage Computer Restoration Projects |  | Vintagecomputer.net Manufacturer Directory and Other Photo Galleries |  | Visible Storage |  | WAIT 6502 retrocomputing |  | Welcome to Transnationale.org: analysis of the worlds largest companies. |  | When keyboards were desks - Revue |  | Xerox PARC et la naissance de l'informatique contemporaine |  | Z80 Computermuseum |  | Internet | 404 Not Found Game |  | Bildschirmtext (Btx) German Videotex System - Davids Photos |  | Breve storia di Internet, con Stefano Quintarelli - YouTube |  | Bringing back the band that opened the Social Web by Les Horribles Cernettes
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|  | The Mother of All Demos, presented by Douglas Engelbart (1968) - YouTube |  | The Surprising Story of the First Microprocessors - IEEE Spectrum |  | The Xerox 8010 Star Mouse @ oldmouse.com |  | Time Line 1969-1979 - Intel Vintage |  | Transistorized calculators - technikum29 |  | Unix machines table |  | VAXHomePage |  | Vintage tech views IBM |  | Visual 6502 in JavaScript |  | IBM PC | Abandonia - Home of abandonware DOS games |  | ATA, IDE et EIDE |  | BIOS identification manufacturer code |  | Boot From A USB Flash/Pen/Key Drive |  | chrysocome.net - dd for windows |  | Creating a MS-DOS Virtual PC under Virtualbox |  | Cygwin - Collection of tools which provide a Linux look and feel environment for Windows |  | dd for windows |  | Exelvision - Logabax Persona 1600 |  | Hacking IBM Thinkpad Bios Password |  | Hardcard @ Wikipedia |  | IBM PC |  | List of DOS based palmtop PCs |  | Logitech - Devices, Model Numbers, Connections and Valid Device Model Strings |  | Microsoft Grey Eyed Mouse ~oldmouse.com~
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Org |  | Le Vieux Manuel |  | Les archives des magazines |  | Les livres sur le monde du jeu vidĂ©o - Arts & Lecture - Discussions - FORUM HardWare.fr |  | Les pas perdus ... Revues scannĂ©es |  | Les publicites des ordinateurs des annees 80 |  | maben.homeip.net/static/S100/tandy/systems/trs80/ |  | Manuals Download page |  | manualShark.org - online manuals and user guides |  | manualzz - owner guides and user manuals |  | Manx - catalogue of online computer manuals |  | Manx - Online computer manuals |  | Mathematisches Maschinen-Museum literatur |  | MC Microcomputer download |  | MC zeitschriften |  | mc-online |  | MCMicrocomputer download |  | Memoires histoire des metiers du traitement de I information |  | MesNotices.fr - Recherche de votre mode d'emploi, notice ou manuel ! |  | Microatena - books & manuals (IT) |  | MicroComputer 001-218 index |  | MIT Press - A History of Modern Computing (2nd).pdf |  | Netto - Free Ebooks Download - PDF Search Engine Pdf Search Engine |  | New Retro Computing Magazines |  | Notices download - portable, computing, photo |  | offcom old computer ads |  | Old Commputers Catalogues list |  | Old computer ads |  | Oldcomputers-ddns.org File Listing |  | On-Line Computer Documents 50s - 70s |  | pdf-mags.com - Your PDF mag’s magazine |  | Pierre Weis - Articles humoristiques sur l'informatique++ |  | press-0-tech - Le Guide de la presse informatique/NTIC francophone |  | Progetto MC-online |  | Radio Shack Catalog Archive (1939-2011) |  | Recherche magazines sur Pichon |  | replacementdocs: Downloads |  | Replique Montre Tag Heuer |  | Retro Review - Today's Magazine for Yesterday s Computers |  | Retrocomputing - Index of /parts |  | Retrocomputing Archive -8080 - CP/M - MS-DOS |  | Revista Brasileira de Telecomunicaçôes - Telebrasil |  | Rich Cini's Classic Computing - Systems |  | Scanned Book and Magazine Collection - Google Drive |  | SEARCH: Consumer Electronics magazines |  | SHARP Customer Support Electronics - Manuals download |  | Source-c't magazin |  | Stefan's Old Computer Docs |  | Switzerland / U.S. Foreign Exchange Rate |  | Technosaures |  | Technosaures revue |  | TĂ©lĂ©charger les manuels | Olivetti SPA |  | The Computer Archive - Vintage Ads and Literature |  | The Computer Magazine Archives - Free Texts - Download & Streaming |  | The Old Computer - Retro TV Commercials,Old Computer Commercials,computer adverts |  | The Personal Computer Museum - Magazines |  | The Ultimate Learn And Resource Center - Stason.org |  | Tomfolio.com Category: Computers and Internet, Computer Manuals |  | Toshiba T3100SX manual (PDF) |  | TRS-80 & Tandy Computer Catalogs |  | User Manual, users guide, operation instruction |  | Vecchie riviste (CQ electronic, costruire diverte) |  | Vecchie riviste - Introni.it |  | Vecchie riviste elettroniche |  | Vintage Computer Library |  | Vintage Computer Manuals |  | Vintage Computers and Software Ads of the 1980s |  | Vintagecomputer.ca files |  | VintageComputer.net - Classic Computer Magazines |  | Vintropedia - Vintage Computer and Retro Console Price Guide 2009 |  | Vintropedia Home - VINTROPEDIA |  | Yet another computer museum - Virtual library of computer manuals |  | Media | BBC Four - Electric Dreams - Episode guide |  | Bibliography for History of Computing |  | ChaĂ®ne de RetroC0mputing - YouTube |  | Computer Chronicles - Free Movies |  | Computer History Museum - Events |  | Fairchild Briefing on Integrated Circuits - YouTube |  | FunToTheHead Flopera - YouTube |  | Histoires numeriques - Le blog de Yves Bolognini |  | Homebrew Z80 computer - YouTube |  | Internet Archive: Wayback Machine |  | Konrad Zuse - Wie ein Deutscher den Computer erfand - Teil 1/2 - Doku - YouTube |  | Lego Antikythera Mechanism - YouTube |  | Les Signets de la Bibliothèque nationale de France - Jeux vidĂ©o et consoles |  | LGR Tech Taies - The Pocket Calculator Wars - YouTube |  | Modern Marvels, Master Thread! - Something for Everyone! - FTA People Forum |  | Retro clips youtube |  | Retro informatique et Ă©mulation Alice 32 - Yannick Kirschhoffer |  | Rymdreglage_Kallbrand demo - YouTube |  | Sasfepu TV |  | Silicon Valley - La rĂ©volution des hackers en replay
|  | The History of Microsoft @ Channel 9 |  | Video Ina - Archives pour tous |  | Vidéo Ina - l'informatique au quotidien |  | Video Ina - Television oeil de demain |  | MSX | blueMSX World Wide Website |  | Cable Pinout - MSX Cassette Loader |  | CasLink2 Project by Alexey Podrezov |  | Fondation MSX |  | Index of /pub/msx/games |  | List of MSX compatible computers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |  | Microsoft MSX page |  | msx
|  | MSX Cassette connector pinout description @ Pinouts.ru |  | MSX Computer and Club Magazine 74 - Aktu Publications |  | MSX Disk-manager |  | MSX Info pages - MSX cassette page |  | MSX Links |  | MSX Photo Gallery |  | NO$MSX |  | Passion MSX - Plus de fun, Moins de Mhz! |  | Possi's Konami MSX Page
|  | Propagandas MSX |  | RGB (8-pin DIN 45326) - MSX Sanyo PHC-28 |  | ROMs MSX 1/2 - MSX MSX2 |  | Sanyo PHC-28 |  | The Ultimate MSX FAQ |  | The Ultimate MSX FAQ - Connector section |  | The Ultimate MSX FAQ - File Formats/Types section |  | The Ultimate MSX FAQ - MSX Hardwarelist section |  | Toshiba - HX-10 |  | Toshiba HX-10 |  | TSX MSX Files Repository |  | Utilities |  | Writing single sided MSX floppy images on PC |  | Musées et collections | Muzeul virtual |  | 8-bit - Kolekcja starych komputerów - Vintage computers collection |  | 8-Bit Classics - Home |  | 8Bit-Museum.de - L histoire des jeux vidéo et des ordinateurs personnels |  | 8bitsunplugged.org |  | A visit to the Large Scale Systems Museum |  | Allan Bromley Calculating Devices MAAS Collection |  | Allard-s Computer Museum Groningen |  | Allards Computer Museum Groningen |  | Analog Computer Museum |  | Ancient Computers |  | Ancient Computers |  | Andrea's Retrocomputing Homepage |  | archive . computerhistory . org - /resources/text/ |  | Argentina Clasico - coleccion de articulos de entretenimiento y tecnologia antigua
|  | Catalogo Olivetti - collezioneolivetti.tk |  | Classic Computing - Retro Thing |  | Club8bit |  | Clube Old Bits |  | ClubeOld Bis (BRA) |  | Coleccion de Calculadoras Electronicas |  | Collection Sasfepu |  | Collection-vintage-laptops.com |  | Compatibles & laptop collection |  | Comprehensive Computer Catalogue (archived) |  | CompuRama-Radolfzell |  | Computadores-Museu deTecnologia da Unoeste |  | Computarium LCD - A museum of historic calculators and computers |  | Computer Archiv Munchen |  | Computer Asylum |  | Computer collection Vienna - Computergeschichte erleben. |  | Computer collectors |  | Computer History Museum - Timeline of Computer History |  | Computer Museum - Nova Scotia, Canada |  | Computer Museum Paderborn |  | Computer Museum, York University Computer Museum, Canada |  | Computer Museum.it |  | computer-museum.nl |  | Computer-Retro.de |  | Computermuseum - Exponate |  | Computermuseum - Fachhochschule Kiel |  | Computermuseum: Fachhochschule Kiel |  | Computers
|  | Computers in Malta (Home Computers) - Vintage Computer Club Malta |  | Dans Antique Computer Collection |  | Das virtuelle Computermuseum |  | Datasalen computer museum |  | DAVES OLD COMPUTERS |  | Deja Vu (re-)creating web history |  | DigiBarn Computer Museum: The Collections! |  | Digital Retro by Gordon Laing - Vintage retro computer history book |  | Diverse other computer (not IBM) |  | EarlyComputers: An Eclectic Collection of Personal Computers |  | Eksponaadid - Arvutid - Arvutimuuseum |  | El Museo de los 8 Bits |  | EMG computers |  | Eric Smith's Retrocomputing page |  | Erik S. Klein's Vintage Computer Collection - Home of historical computers |  | ESCoCoP - European Society for Computer Preservation |  | Europen Computer museums |  | Fabrizio Texas Instrument website |  | FutureBots - Antique computer collection |  | Galeria de Calculadoras, Microcomputadores, Computadores |  | Giga-s Computer Museum |  | Gyujtemeny computer collection |  | HCHOF-The Machines
|  | HCM: The Home Computer Museum ... |  | Historybit - Storie di Computer |  | HNF - Heinz Nixdorf Museums |  | HNF Heinz Nixdorf Museum |  | Home Computer Museum |  | HP Computer Museum |  | Informática HistĂłrica |  | International Computer museums |  | IPSJ Computer Museum |  | ipsj Museum-Exhibits |  | ISER - Informatik Sammlung Erlangen |  | ISER - Informatik Sammlung Erlangen (archive) |  | John's Antique computer collection and computer museum |  | KCG Computer Museum |  | KCG Computer Museum (Japan) |  | La collezione - Museo Tecnologicamente |  | Laptopi muuseum |  | Large Scale Systems Museum - Google Photos |  | Le premier (vrai) musĂ©e europĂ©en de l'informatique (par Les Puces Informatiques) |  | Liens vers des sites Ordinosaures |  | Links to computer museums and collections |  | List of computer museums - Wikipedia |  | LiteStep |  | Mastodonic PCs |  | Mein DV Museum - Computers |  | Mein DV Museum - Computer relatives |  | meindvmuseum.de |  | MicroMuseum |  | Miniaturni muzeum vypocetnitechniky - Pocitace a videoterminaly |  | MOMI - mobilni pocĂtac |  | MusĂ©e virtuel du LycĂ©e Classique de Diekirch |  | Musei del computer in Italia, Europa, Mondo |  | Musei e collezioni italiane di storia dell'informatica |  | Musej computerov |  | Museo - MuPInMuPIn |  | Museo Computers - Hal's Friends |  | Museo de Informatica (Valencia) |  | Museo degli Strumenti per il Calcolo |  | Museo deirinformatica Funzionante |  | Museo del Calcolatore Laura Tellini - ITEPS Paolo Dagomari - Prato |  | Museo del Computer: Catalogo |  | Museo del personal computer |  | Museo del personal computer |  | Museo del Videojuego |  | Museo dell Informatica Funzionante |  | MUSEU do Computador > U.E.M. < |  | Museu TecnolĂ´gico - Coopermiti |  | Museum - Museum Zeravica |  | Museum H. Knebel |  | Museum of Applied Arts & Sciences museum |  | Museum of Calculating Instruments |  | Museum Of Obsolete Media |  | Museum of Soviet Calculators - Contents, The Electronic Age! (archived) |  | Museums and links |  | Muzeum 2006 |  | My RetroTechnology |  | Nexon Computer Museum (Korea) |  | Nightfallcrew museum Virtual Tour |  | Nostalcomp |  | Obsolescence Guaranteed |  | Obsolete CM: Home |  | Old Computer Museum |  | Old Computers & Consoles Club |  | Old Computers - rare, vintage and obsolete computers |  | Old-Computers.com ! |  | OldBits - Computershow |  | OldBits Computermuseum, a virtual exhibition of a real existing collection |  | Oldmachines.ini.hu |  | Olivers virtuelles PDA-Museum |  | olivrea.de - Sammler von klassischen olivetti Personal Computer & Zubehör |  | On-Line Museum Analog to Digital |  | Once Upon A Byte Collection |  | Online Computer museums |  | Outros Micros (Educativos/Profissionais - CP/M) - Clube Old Bits |  | PC Hardware & Calculator Muzeum |  | PC Muzej |  | PEEK & POKE - Computer museum (Croatia) |  | Pugo - My computer and video game collection |  | R.E.C.H.E.N.W.E.R.K - Computermuseum Halle (archived) |  | Racunalniski Computermuseum |  | Racunalniski-museum |  | Rare 8 - Old Computers |  | Reino (Mis Reliquias. AMSTRAD) |  | Replique Montre Rolex |  | Retro gaming collector |  | Retro Info 2011 |  | Retro-pc museum |  | RetroBude - Spielkonsolen, Handheld-Konsolen und Homecomputern |  | RetroComputer - Eine Sammlung diverser Retro-Hardware ab den 70ern |  | RetroPlayerBrazil |  | Retroseum - Exhibit Search |  | Retrowe Museum - Google+ |  | Robotron - Computer Museum |  | Rune PC-Museum |  | Rune's PC-Museum |  | Russian calculators 2 |  | Sammlungen [BINARIUM] |  | Sbirka historicke vypocetnitechniky |  | Schombi - My retro collection |  | Small Wang Museum |  | Smiley's Computer Museum & emulators |  | Soviet Digital Electronics Museum. By Sergei Frolov |  | System Source Computer Museum |  | TechKnight.com - Endangered Software Archive |  | Technikmuseum Matthias Schmitt www.tecmumas.de |  | technikum29 - Lebendiges Museum fĂĽr Computer |  | Tekniska Museet - Sweeden | ![]() | Terminals collection - MCbx |  | The As-Yet Unnamed Computer Museum |  | The Collection - Computer Graphics Museum |  | The Computer Collector - Collections&Museum list |  | The Computer Museum Archive |  | The Computer Museum Reports |  | The DigiBarn Computer Museum |  | The First Personal Computers (PCs) |  | The Freeman PC Museum... Largest Collection of Vintage Computers |  | The History Of Computers During My Lifetime |  | The Jim Austin Computer Collection |  | The MESSUI Place - Australian computers |  | The Micro Museum UK - Museum of Vintage Compuetrs & Games |  | The National Museum of Computing - Matterport 3D Showcase |  | The Oldskool PC - 80's IBM PC Gaming Nostalgia and Resources |  | The Personal Computer Museum (Companies) |  | The Personal Computer Museum (Peripherals) |  | The Personal Computer Museum, Brantford, Ontario (CA)
|  | The Retrocomputing Museum |  | The Retrocomputing Museum 1
|  | The System Source Computer Museum |  | The Virtual Museum of Computing (archived) |  | Tietokonemuseo - Tieto- ja pelikonemuseo |  | tietokonemuseo.net esitteitä : brochures (archived) |  | UMMR - museo di storia dei sistemi a microprocessore |  | VAXBARN |  | VAXBARN collection |  | Vecchi computer - Computer, periferiche e console dagli anni 70 e 80 a oggi |  | Vintage Computer Festival |  | Vintage Computer Link Exchange [Archive] - The Vintage Computer Forums |  | Vintage Computing Deramp - Early micro computers 70s to 80s |  | VintageComputer.ca - A vintage computer Virtual exhibit in Canada |  | Virtualni Muzeum KVT-Elektronika - vypocetnitechnika |  | Virtualni muzeum osmibitovych pocitacu (archived) |  | Virtuelles Computermuseum |  | Virtuelles Dortmunder Computer Museum |  | WAIT 6502 retrocomputing |  | WTTAMY FAN - Retro Komputer Muzeum |  | Yet another computer museum |  | YUCoM Artifacts --1970 -- |  | En Suisse | Computersammlung Peter Guhl, Sirnach |  | Computeum Museum |  | Computissimo - MusĂ©e de l'Histoire de l'Informatique de Philippe Marmy |  | Didier Luthi - MusĂ©e de la micro-informatique |  | epocalc |  | EPSITEC - Smaky - Photos |  | Flickr: Albums photos de yvesbolo |  | Mémoires informatiques |  | microclub.ch |  | MusĂ©e Bolo |  | Museum fur Kommunikation, Bern: Computer & digitale Kultur |  | PC-MUSEUM |  | Retrocomputing.ch |  | The Swiss Personal Museum of 80s Computers & Sinclair Collection |  | Un museo di computer e console in Ticino, Svizzera |  | VintageBytes.ch |  | En France | Aconit - Musee virtuel de l'informatique |  | AntĂ©MĂ©moire |  | Collection d'ordinateurs / calculatrices / consoles de jeux |  | Collection JVernet |  | Eric M. Collec'O |  | Grenier informatique |  | Histoire de l'informatique |  | Informatik DĂ©calĂ©e |  | L'ordinotheque de SbM |  | Le Grenier Informatique - Les ordinateurs et jeux vintage des annĂ©es 1980 / 1990 |  | Le musĂ©e de rocbo |  | Le mythe des ordinateurs et dessins humoristiques |  | Le Ouaibe du CMPI _ CMPI's web site |  | linewid collection |  | Ma collection de SASFEPU |  | micro-ordinateurs - legrenier : toute la nostalgie du futur |  | MO5.COM : MusĂ©e d'histoire informatique, des ordinateurs anciens et des consoles de jeux vidĂ©o |  | MusĂ©e AWR.FREE.FR |  | MusĂ©e de Gloub (Console, PC, OS) |  | MusĂ©e de l'Informatique (Amiga) |  | MusĂ©e de la mĂ©canographie - 01000 Bourg-en-Bresse |  | MusĂ©e des ordinateurs obsolètes |  | MusĂ©e du Minitel - PrĂ©servation du patrimoine numerique |  | MusĂ©e Replay |  | MusĂ©e virtuel de l'informatique - L' informatique a Grenoble |  | Obsolete Tears - MusĂ©e Virtuel de l'Histoire de la micro et du jeu vidĂ©o |  | Ordinateur de collection |  | Ordinosaures - Videonew |  | OTAKU MusĂ©e virtuel du Jeu VidĂ©o : ZX 81 |  | Petite Histoire illustrĂ©e des Jeux vidĂ©o et de la Micro (archived) |  | RetroMicro - Histoire informatique et jeux vidĂ©o (archived) |  | Rhod's Collection |  | Silicium - Le musĂ©e de l'informatique |  | SysIPL- Collection d'ordinateurs anciens |  | Tous les micro-ordinateurs - Gamopat |  | VCRP Collection d'ordinateurs et consoles de jeux |  | Musique | (d)iskette (O)rgan |  | 120 Years of Electronic Music - The history of electronic music from 1800 to 2015 |  | A Chronology of Electronic and Computer Music and Related Events 1906 - 2015 |  | A Timeline of 1-Bit Music (1949-1979) |  | Books about Synthesizers |  | Electronic Music History |  | Electronic Music Interfaces |  | Floppy Music - OCTET - Imperial March by SileNT - YouTube |  | Gerudo Valley (Zelda) - YouTube |  | History - Digital Sound and Music in Computer Games |  | Imperial March (of the Floppies) - YouTube |  | Imperial March 3.5" - YouTube |  | Music workstation - Wikipedia |  | MUSIC/SP - Wikipedia |  | Musical Floppy controller program |  | PC Sound - Digital Sound and Music in Computer Games |  | Programming langages for music |  | Queen Bohemian Rhapsody Old School Computer Remix - YouTube |  | Real-time Cmix - Wikipedia |  | Sound chip - Encyclopedia Gamia |  | Sound chip - Wikipedia |  | Sound generators of the 1980s home computers |  | Still Alive (on Floppy Drives) @ YouTube |  | The First Sound Card (adlib) |  | Vintage Synth Explorer |  | zx80 music - YouTube |  | PublicitĂ©s | 1000BiT Adverts |  | 101 Classic Computer Ads - Boing Boing Gadgets |  | 25 anuncios de informatica dos anos80 - Blog do Cardoso |  | 8bit Computer adverts |  | Advert Scan Image |  | Advertisement Gallery - Vintage Ads - Old Magazine Adverts |  | Advertising/Documentation |  | Argus |  | Article: vintage ads : The Dot Creative : Graphic Design Blog |  | Attached - Advertisements : Apple Computer |  | Attached - Computer history & Advertisements |  | Computer Museum |  | Computer-Archiv |  | Computing History - miscellanous adverts |  | From Atari Joyboard to Wii Fit: 25 years of exergaming - Boing Boing Gadgets |  | GUIdebook & Ads - Magazine advertisements |  | History of Computing |  | HP Computer Museum - Advertisments |  | Internet Archive: Computer Chronicles |  | JC - Ordinateurs, consoles de jeux… » 1970 - 1979 |  | Les pas perdus ... Pubs |  | Nos anciennes publicites - Thomson Consumer |  | Old Computer Ads |  | Old computer ads |  | Old-computer - Random adverts |  | Pinterest - Computing Adverts |  | Plan du site Apple Collection. |  | Raccolta pubblicita d'epoca VintAds - ITEPS Dagomari - Prato |  | RĂ©tro Scan |  | The Advertising Archives |  | The Computer Archive - Vintage Ads and Literature |  | The Freeman PC Museum... Largest Collection of Vintage Computers on the Web |  | The Old Computer s Adverts Museum |  | Ver cĂłdigo fuente - El Museo de los 8 bits |  | Vintage Ad Browser |  | Vintage Computers and Software Ads of the 1970s |  | Vintage electronics advertising - Pinterest |  | Vintage Video Game & Computer Ads |  | Roms | clrmamepro ROM profiler report |  | Cool Roms |  | FreeVintageGames.com - Home |  | Game Quest |  | Lucas Abandonware |  | mess roms |  | NitroRoms - The Largest Supplier of Roms in the World |  | romseeker.com |  | Sites d'images disquette : Vos bonnes adresses |  | The Old Computer - Rom and emulation site |  | The Worlds Largest Free Roms Game Download Site |  | Worlds Largest Free ROM and Games Website |  | Software | 1980 games - Old online video and arcade games for free - Juegos en flash |  | A history of Windows - Microsoft Windows |  | Abandonware Forums |  | All Versions of Microsoft Windows OS |  | AllBootDisks - Free Boot Disks from MS-DOS to Windows XP |  | Bootdisk.com - BootDisks - PC Support - Essential Utilities |  | Bootdisk.com Popular Files |  | C-DOS Abandonware Games |  | Computers - SoftArchive
|  | DOS Games Archive - Games |  | DOS Games at Old School DOS |  | DOSLIFE |  | Download DOS Games |  | DuBaron Disklmage |  | Freeoldies, the abandonware search engine, oldies, vieux jeux |  | Graphical User Interface Gallery |  | Graphical User Interface Gallery (GUI) |  | GUIdebook: Graphical User Interface gallery |  | Historical Software Collection |  | Home of the Underdogs |  | Index of /Abandonware Applications/PC/ |  | Internet Arcade : Free Software |  | Internet Archive Search: software library |  | Le site officiel des Mégarom (Thomson) |  | Linux Distribution Timeline |  | LTF Abandonware France, PC Globe |  | Microsoft products timeline |  | Old computer OS - images file download |  | Operating System Reviews (History, Facts, Versions and Screenshots) |  | PCjs - IBM PC Disk Library |  | Retro365 – Boxed 80s softwares |  | Software Library: Mature Titles (archived) |  | Software Library: MS-DOS Games (archived) |  | Surveying, Mapping and GIS: A Blast from the Past |  | Télécharger des OS |  | The GIFfers Public Access Page - Windows Applications, Files, Games and Utilities |  | The Short History of GUI - Microsoft vs Apple |  | Upgrading Windows from 1.0 to Windows 8 Pro - YouTube |  | Useful DOS software |  | VETUSWARE.COM - the biggest free abandonware collection in the universe |  | Visicalc |  | win3x.org |  | WinWorld - Operating Systems - Information and Download Library |  | Spectrum | Planet Sinclair |  | Planet Sinclair: Contents (archived) |  | Repairing Spectrum & Spectrum Plus |  | Sinclair Nostalgia Products - Sinclair Clones |  | SINCLAIR ZX SPECTRUM+, the new 'Speccy' |  | World of Spectrum |  | World of Spectrum - FTP Sites |  | ZX Spectrum - Salida de Video |  | ZX Spectrum 48K Clones and Versions |  | ZX Spectrum clones - SpeccyWiki |  | Technique | 8bit Projects For Everyone: memory, IDE interface, mouse, ISA cards |  | Accus |  | AMRIT Réparation de systèmes électroniques - Forum |  | Basic Electronics Course Table |  | Brochage prise péritel (archived) |  | Cables et prises audio et video, comment s y retrouver ? |  | Capacitor Lab - Visual Signs of Capacitor Failure - Bulging and Leaking |  | CERN Document Server |  | Comment donner une seconde jeunesse a sa snes ? - Faq du theme Technique sur Super Nintendo |  | Composant électronique GoTronic |  | Correspondance canaux TV/fréquences (MHz) utilisés en France |  | Cours d'électronique et documentation |  | CPU Support ICs |  | cpu-museum.de |  | Cuk.ch - Le cauchemar des piles, c'est fini |  | Datasheet catalog for integrated circuits, diodes, triacs, and other semiconductors |  | Datasheet search site, Datasheet search site for Electronic Components |  | Datasheets360.com - Electronic Component Search |  | Easy 6502 by skilldrick |  | Electronics, Cables and Accessories |  | Electronique - Bases - Tutoriel soudure |  | Electronique théorique: Sommaire des composants |  | fdrawcmd.sys - Floppy Driver for Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/2008/7 |  | Homebrew Computers Web-Ring |  | How to repair your LCD backlight |  | HwB: Connector Menu |  | Initiation électronique |  | Ksplz museum - Measurement Museum |  | Le monde des accus rechargeables : Page d´accueil du site |  | Lecteur 3''1/2 |  | Les signaux video |  | List of 8-bit computer hardware palettes |  | Magma - La technique (archived) |  | Maximite - 8-bit nostalgia with a soldering iron |  | Milestones in Commercialization and Industrialization of Photovoltaic Cells, 1959 |  | Motherboards Jumper Settings: A-Z |  | Multimètre |  | Nicd Nimh & Li-on - EuroBatteries |  | Notes on the Troubleshooting and Repair of Audio Equipment |  | Notes on Video Conversion |  | On calculator preservation (LCD darkening, pouches...) |  | PassMark - CPU Benchmarks - List of Benchmarked CPUs |  | Pinouts (pin-out) - allpinouts.com |  | Punched Card Typography Explained |  | Recovering data by washing 5.25 inch disks with soap and water! |  | Relay Computing - Hackaday |  | Repair a Malfunctioning LCD |  | Retr0Bright |  | RetrObright - System.cfg |  | RGC - Worlds No. 1 for Retro Gaming SCART Cables |  | SCART: Information and Much More from Answers.com |  | SCSI2SD SD Card Adapter |  | Storage Media Sizes |  | Tezza's Classic Computers Articles and Projects |  | The CPU Shack - History of Microprocessors and CPU Technology |  | The Hardware Book - HwB |  | Video signal adjustments - DenialWiki |  | Vintage Computer Cables |  | Vintage Computing on Tindie - DIY Electronics |  | VintChip - Vintage IC Chip Collection |  | What is a JPG |  | Why Super Nintendos Lose Their Color: Plastic Discoloration in Classic Machines |  | TI-99 | 99er Download Database |  | Texas Instruments TI 99/4a Books |  | The TI-99/4A Home Computer Page |  | The Ti99/4a tech pages |  | TI-99 Forever! - Le Lecteur de K7 |  | TI-99 Forever! La carte mère du TI-99/4A |  | TI-99 Forever! Le Texas Instruments TI-99/4A |  | TI-99/4A Home Computer Book Archive |  | Utiliser un moniteur Commodore 1084 sur TI-99 |  | TRS-80 | 1982 Radio Shack Tandy TRS-80 Computer Catalog RSC-7 |  | 8bit-Micro . com - TRS-80 Laptops |  | CloudT - TRS-80 Model 100 Emulator |  | Club 100: A Model 100 User Group |  | Club100 Member Programs Upload Library |  | CoCo page |  | Color Computer stuff |  | DAVES OLD COMPUTERS - TRS-80/Tandy 100/102/200, NEC 8201/8300 |  | How do I interface a TRS-80 Model I to a TV or Composit video monitor? |  | Index of /downunder |  | Ira Goldklang TRS-80 Revived Site: TRS-80 Computers: Model 200 |  | Ira Goldklang's TRS-80 Revived Site |  | Ira Goldklang's TRS-80 Revived Site: Model 100/102 |  | Ira Goldklang-s TRS-80 Revived Site » TRS-80 Computers: Model 200 |  | Jeff Vavasour-s TRS-80 Emulation Page |  | Model 100 Year 2000 Menu Display Patch |  | Radio Shack catalogs |  | Radio Shack catalogs PDF |  | TANDY (archived) |  | Tandy - Color Computer 2 |  | Tandy Color Computer : Détails techniques |  | Tandy Radio Shack : TRS-80, Color Computer & Cie - GAMOPAT |  | Tandy Radio Shack model 200 portable computer |  | Tandy Radio Shack TRS 80 Model I Various p Roms |  | Tandy Radio Shack TRS-80 Model 200 |  | The CO CO LOUNGE- Color Computer 2 Page |  | The CO CO Lounge-the Color computer Teardown page 1 |  | The Tandy Color Computer SuperSite |  | TRS-80 Books |  | TRS-80 clones @ Ira's |  | TRS-80 clones @ oldbits |  | TRS-80 Color Computer Hardware manuals |  | TRS-80 Color Computer Software Repository |  | TRS-80 en France |  | TRS-80 Model I |  | TRS-80 Model I |  | TRS-80 Model I @ vintage-computer |  | TRS-80 Model I Expansion Interface |  | TRS-80 Revived Site » TRS-80 Computers: TRS-80 Model I |  | TRS-80 Software Pages - Intro |  | TRS-80 Tandy Computer Catalogs |  | TRS-80-M100 - user programs |  | TRS-80-models-model 1 - trs-80.com |  | TSR-80,1-59, etc Emulators |  | Wapedia - Wiki: TRS-80 Model 100 |  | ZX81 | Hong Kong clones Lambda 8300 et.al. of the ZX81 |  | Index de worldofspectrum.org/pub/sinclair/hardware-info/ |  | mainbyte.com/ts1000/composite.html |  | Planet Sinclair: Computers: ZX81 (archived) |  | Sinclair - ZX81 |  | Specifications ZX81 (archived) |  | Timex Sinclair 1000 / ZX81 |  | Unknow Sinclair |  | XavSnap Download Page : |  | ZX81 Home Page |  | ZX81 page |  | zx81kit (PDF) |  |